Discover and Catalogue All APIs
AppSentinels continuously discovers all APIs and various attributes about the APIs to bring you complete visibility of all your API assets.
AppSentinels does real-time continuous discovery of all your APIs as and when they are deployed or modified. AppSentinels also discovers details like input and output parameters, data-types, whether parameter is mandatory or optional, or PII/sensitive to give you deepest visibility about your API assets and help you assess your risk exposure.
AppSentinels provides up-to date and accurate API inventory of your API assets even when your application is changing and evolving. With AppSentinels, you will never be out of sync about your API assets.
AppSentinels discovers not just APIs endpoints but discovers various attributes about the APIs. This allows you to apply appropriate security controls to improve your security posture. You can control if you want to allow shadow APIs, or block forgotten APIs, or apply a different rate-limit to admin APIs.
Discover risk associated with every single API in terms of its exposure, likelihood and impact. Know how your application risk is changing over time as your APIs evolve. Helps you in prioritizing your response and improve your team’s efficiency.