How AppSentinels aligns with Gartner API Security Recommendations
Step#1 - Discovery:
Step#2 - Posture Management:
Broken Object Level Authorization (BOLA), Broken Function Level Authorization (BFLA), and Security Misconfigurations are three unchanged OWASP Top 10 API vulnerability categories in the 2023 list. Positions for BOLA and BFLA remain unchanged, while Security Misconfigurations went down by one place.
BOLA remains a go-to attack vector for malicious users and remains in the #1 position as fine-grained Object-level authorization mechanisms are complex and challenging to implement.
Step#3 - Testing:
Every organization is trying to speed up innovation. Organizations sometimes struggle to complete happy path testing in this rush, and security testing is mainly compromised. The problem is further compounded as traditional AST tools like SAST, DAST, or IAST treat APIs as stateless entities and can’t effectively test API security workflows. Organizations rely on ad-hoc pen-testing or run expensive bug-bounty programs to circumvent this. Gartner further suggests that testing should be embedded in the development life cycle where vulnerabilities can be remediated as they are uncovered, and before they are pushed into production.
AppSentinels offers the industry’s first Intelligent Stateful automated API pen-tester, which conducts automated testing covering OWASP Top-10, OWASP API Top-10 techniques, and business logic flaws. It tests complete API workflows and no single stateless APIs. It further ensures every API is tested with all applicable varieties of test suites. It’s like having an army of pen testers working and continuously testing applications against security flaws. This helps organizations build secure code FASTER.
Step#4 - Protection:
As APIs transition to production environments, they necessitate runtime protection against potential attacks. Adequate API protection requires a deep understanding of application behavior to adequately differentiate between regular and malicious requests. AppSentinels AI/ML models can do this effectively by building a deep understanding of the application behavior, including happy-path scenarios and critical workflows.
AppSentinels monitors every user interaction and swiftly detects outliers indicative of malicious activity. It can identify events like data leakages, tampering, and automated attacks, and can also block malicious API sessions that bypass authentication or authorization privileges.
AppSentinels can block API sessions OR threat actors on its own or via numerous integrations it supports with API Gateways (API-GW) OR Web Application Firewalls (WAFs).